

The ATCC is a sprint format consisting of 1 15 minuet qualifying followed by 2 15 minuet races per round. For 2025 we will be running with the WRDA sport and saloon car championship so as an added bonus, while competing for the honours of the ATCC title you will automatically be entered in the WSSCC over all standings.

The regulations below are specific to the ATCC 

A - Vehicle Eligibility

In order to comply with series regulations, all vehicles MUST be built on a previously road-registered, production hatch or saloon type car.

A - 1

As a guide to whether a vehicle is suitable, they must comply to two or more of the following in their original specification:

4 seats

4-5 doors (or a 4 door variant e.g a BMW 330 CI would be permissible)

A diesel road-going variant

Be a minimum of 7 years old

As a general rule, if your car meets two of the above criteria it should qualify as an ATCC race car, although this is not a hard rule. Discretion of the organisers and competitors can be used in regards to eligibility. If there is any uncertainty, you can contact us for clarification.

A - 2

All competing vehicles will be expected to meet a reasonable level of presentation. Although the series has been designed to be low cost and budget friendly, we intend to run and maintain a high-standard of motorsport and aim to build an appealing image for the series. The best way to achieve this goal will be a grid full of good looking well presented race cars.

B - Technical Regulations

All cars running in the A Spec class of the ATCC will need to meet the following basic technical regulations in order to compete within the series, score points and be classified in class position:

B - 1

Max power 301hp (measured at crank)

Minimum weight 1150 kg (car only)

Suspension mounts and pickup point must be from OEM location with non modified OEM mount positions (strengthening of OEM mounts allowed)

Engine must be in original location and orientation

Engine swaps will be permitted as long as they fit the previously outlined boundaries

All gearboxes must be OEM to the car or engine being used and from a road going vehicle. Aftermarket or sequential transmissions are prohibited.

All transmissions must retain OEM gearing and ratios, and remain unmodified (with exception of fitting LSD units in FWD cars)

All cars are to be 2 wheel drive only


Dry weather Free choice

Adverse conditions must use a specified road legal treaded tyre will full wet to full dry capability.

In the event of a race being declared wet or mixed conditions all drives must use the advers weather tyre

Brakes are free choice

Adjustable suspension is allowed as long as it fits OEM locations without modification

Aerodynamic modifications such as wings and splitters are permitted

The body of the car can be modified to accommodate aero parts and wider wheels. Maintaining the standard silhouette is not a requirement

Competitor numbers are to be clearly displayed in yellow on the front screen, rear side windows and rear window

In addition to the above, all cars must meet the regulations set out by section J of the MSUK Blue Book.

B - 2

All competing cars and driver equipment must conform to section K of the MSUK Blue Book.

Scrutineering at each event will be conducted by an MSUK official and is outside the control of the ATCC. If your car does not meet the required safety standard and is deemed unsafe at any event by the MSUK, you will be unable to race without exception.

All above regulations and requirements are currently provisional and subject to modification after competitor consultation. The aim is to make a high level, close racing, fun touring car series at an entry- level affordable price. All input from competitors or perspective competitors is encouraged and welcomed. We will then do our best to finalise a set of regulations that suits the widest audience whilst in keeping with the series values.

Below are the full technical regulations and requirements for the WRDA

1. Sporting Regulations - General 3

1.1. Title and Jurisdiction 3

1.2. Officials 3

1.3. Competitor Eligibility 4

1.4. Registration 4

2. Championship Events 5

3. Specific Championship Regulations 6

3.1. Scoring 6

3.2. Awards 7

3.3. Entries 8

3.4. Briefings 9

3.5. Qualification Practice 9

3.6. Race 10

3.7. Race Start 10

3.8. Session Red Flagged 11

3.9. Pits, Paddock & Pitlane Safety 12

3.10. Race Finishes 12

3.11. Results 13

3.12. Timing Transponders 13

3.13. Safety Car Operation 13

3.14. Code of Practice 13

4. Technical Regulations 14

Introduction 14

4.1. Safety Requirements 14

4.2. WSSCC Class Structure 14

4.3. Vehicle Specification 15

4.4. General Technical Requirements. 16

4.5. Infringements of Technical Regulations. 18


5.1. Appendix 1: Race Organising Clubs and Contacts 19

5.2. Appendix 2: WSSCC Codes of Practice 19

5.3. Appendix 3: Race with Respect 20

⦁ Sporting Regulations - General

⦁ Title and Jurisdiction

These regulations should be read in conjunction with the National Competition Rules (NCR) which Motorsport UK has introduced for 2025. They can be found at  

The 2025 Welsh Sports and Saloon Car Championship (WSSCC) is organised and administered by the Welsh Racing Drivers Association (WRDA) (or any sub-committee it appoints) in accordance with the NCR General Regulations of the Motorsport UK (incorporating the provisions of the International Sporting Code of the FIA) and these Championship Regulations.

For the time being and for the purposes of regulation and permit submission and operational event matters the WRDA may utilise the services of the BARC.

Championship Permit No. TBC

Championship Grade, as defined in NCR Ch. 4 App.2 Art 2.1d; Status: Interclub

⦁ Officials 

⦁ Co-ordinator: Mark Reed

⦁ Eligibility Scrutineer: Neil White

⦁ The Clerk of the Course (CoC) on the day will be advised in the event SRs.

⦁ Championship Stewards for 2025: 

⦁ Mike Skelton

      Alan Jenkins 

Phil Davies 

Ian Danaher

⦁ Where appropriate, Motorsport UK Section G Regulations NCR Ch.4.1 applies:

⦁ The Championship Stewards can only adjudicate upon any disputes irregularities or appeals arising from the published

⦁ Championship Regulations. They are also empowered to consider any request from the Championship Co-ordinator to penalise any Competitor for breach of Championship Regulations and after holding a formal hearing those Stewards may impose a penalty in accordance with NCR Ch2 subject to the rights of Appeal to the National Court there provided.

⦁ Any three Championship Stewards will constitute a quorum. In the event of any of the Championship Stewards listed above being unavailable or being unable to consider an issue due to a perceived conflict of interest, the organisers reserve the right to appoint an alternative Championship Steward or, if deemed necessary more than one alternative Championship Steward.

⦁ Competitor Eligibility

⦁ Entrants must:

⦁ be current members of The Welsh Racing Drivers’ Association and 

⦁ be registered for the Championship and

⦁ be in possession of a valid Motorsport UK Entrant Licences.

⦁ To score points Drivers and Entrant/Drivers must: 

⦁ be current Members of The Welsh Racing Drivers Association and 

⦁ be Registered for the Championship and 

⦁ be in possession of valid Motorsport UK (Racing) Race Club (UK only) Licence, as a minimum

⦁ If participation in the Championship requires absence from education a driver, in full time school education, is required to have the approval of their head teacher and a letter stating such approval from their school in order to fulfil registration for the Championship. 

⦁ All necessary documentation must be presented for checking at all the rounds when signing-on.

⦁ Registration

⦁ To be eligible for Championship points all drivers must register as competitors for the championship by completing the Registration Form (available on the WRDA website) and sending it and the Registration Fee by cheque or by BACS to the Championship Organisers prior to the Final Closing Date of entries for the first round being entered. A further condition of registration is that a Car Registration Form (available on the WRDA website) for each car used in the Championship must be submitted at least 60 minutes before the published start time of the event. Failure to submit a Car Registration Form will void the registration for that event so no championship points will be awarded.

⦁ The Registration fee for 2025 will be £150£100. Only registered competitors can compete for the Championship.

⦁ Registrations will be accepted from 1st January 2025 until the closing date for entries for the final round of the Championship.

⦁ Competition numbers will be allocated on request using a first come first served basis. The only exception to this will be the number ‘1’ which will be reserved for the current champion. Should the current Champion choose not to use it, or not re-register for the Championship or there be Joint Champions, the number ‘1’ will not be used.

⦁ Competitors not registered for the Championship may be permitted on an individual round basis and

⦁ be deemed guest competitors

⦁ not score points 

⦁ not normally qualify for event awards other than Driver of the Race Award.

⦁ Guest competitors who compete in both WSSCC rounds at a meeting will be charged a fee of £20. After taking part in the 2 rounds, guest competitors who wish to compete in further rounds may then either register for the championship, the fee for which will be a further £130 £100, or pay £40 £30 for each subsequent meeting they compete in.  

⦁ Any competitor wishing to compete for a single race may do so at the discretion of the Championship Organisers but cannot claim points or awards other than Driver of the Race unless registered for the championship.

⦁ Championship Events

The 2025 Welsh Sports & Saloon Car Championship will be contested over 9 Rounds as detailed in the table below - The format will be 1 qualifying session of at least 15 minutes with 2 races of at least 15 minutes duration. Where practical all will be held on the same day. For each meeting, practice and first race will constitute 1 event, each subsequent race will be a separate event.

Rounds Date Venue Organising Club

1 & 2 21st April Castle Coombe CCRC

3 & 4 17th /18th May Mallory Park CMMCS

5 & 6 7th/8th June Brands Hatch CMMCS

7, 8 & 9 6th/7th September Pembrey BARC Wales 

⦁ Specific Championship Regulations

⦁ Scoring 

⦁ A competitors championship points total will be the total for all rounds less the two lowest scores. Not starting a round will count as 0 points

⦁ Points will be awarded to registered competitors listed as classified finishers in the Final Results in each class 

            4 + starters 3 starters 2 starters 1 starter 

1st 20 Points 18 Points 16 Points 14 Points

2nd 18 Points 16 Points 14 Points

3rd 16 Points 14 Points

4th 14 Points

5th 12 Points

6th 10 Points

7th 8 Points

8th 6 Points 

9th 4 Points

10th 2 Points

⦁ One extra point will be awarded for each competitor achieving the race fastest lap in his or her class on the day. In the event of only one starter in the class no point will be awarded for the fastest lap in the Class on the day

⦁ Double points will be awarded for Round 11

⦁ All registered competitors will receive a joker card which can be played at any race during the season to claim double points for that race. The Joker Card must be handed to the Race Day or Championship Co-ordinator or a nominated deputy 30 minutes prior to the start of the race or before entering the assembly area. If a competitor fails to nominate a round to play the Joker Card it will be automatically be played at the final round Round 8 of the Championship, if, however, the competitor does not enter the final round Round 9 the joker card will be forfeit.

⦁ Competitors may score Championship points in more than one class and use any car that is eligible for that class. Points are not transferable between classes. A competitor’s final position in the Championship will be calculated from the highest number of points scored in a particular class. 

⦁ Where two competitors share a car and compete in one race each, at a meeting, then provided that the driver combination is registered with the co-ordinator by the close of entries, points will be awarded to the driver pair, but not individually. They will appear as a joint entry in the Championship Points. No substitution is permitted from the original registered pair. The first named Driver on the entry form will be considered to be the entrant.

⦁ Should there be a tie in points the winner will be decided according to NCR Ch.4 App. 3 Art.4 Motorsport UK regulation W 1.3.4   

⦁ Advertising: Competitors will be required to carry advertising as supplied to publicise the championship as defined in NCR Ch.9 in order to qualify for points.

⦁ Awards 

⦁ All awards are to be provided by the Championship Organisers in conjunction with organising clubs where appropriate.

⦁ Trophies will be awarded for each round to 1st in Class for Classes 1,2,3,4 and 5. Trophies for other places in these classes will be at the discretion of the Championship Organisers subject to a minimum entry of 4 contenders per class. A Trophy for Driver of the Race will also be awarded for each round and all competitors are eligible for this award. 

⦁ Championship Awards of a Trophy will be awarded to:

1st Overall

2nd Overall

3rd Overall

⦁ In each class, Championship Trophies will be awarded to: 

⦁ 1st in Class for each class and for other class position dependent on number of entries, at the discretion of the Championship Organisers

⦁ The ‘Newcomers Award’ to the best newcomer to the Championship as judged by the Championship Organisers

⦁ The ‘Colin Gundersen Trophy’ for the Class Fastest Race Lap at Pembrey. All Registered competitors for the WSSCC are eligible for the Colin Gundersen Trophy. Competitors who are recorded in the official race results as setting the fastest lap in their class will score points by comparing a competitor’s race fastest race lap with the lap record for that class (based on Class lap records starting from 2012 2024). The current Class Lap Record is divided by the competitor’s fastest race lap x 100 = points scored so a fastest lap that equals the current Class Lap Record will score 100 points. All WSSCC races, at circuits where Class Fastest Race Laps already exist, will count.

⦁ The ‘Blake Edwards Trophy’ for the Competitor having the most outright race wins.

⦁ Other awards may be made at the discretion of the Championship Organisers.

⦁ All end of season Championship awards will be presented at the official awards ceremony, which will be organised by the Championship Organisers

⦁ Presentations

Trophies will be provided for presentation at the end of each race or at an end of the meeting presentation ceremony.

⦁ Title to all Trophies

In the event of any provisional results or championship tables being revised after any provisional presentations, and such revisions affecting the distribution of any awards the competitors concerned must return such awards to the Championship Organisers within 7 days.

⦁ Entries

⦁ Competitors are responsible for sending in correct and complete entries with the correct entry fees prior to the closing dates which shall be determined by the event organising club. The Championship Organisers are responsible for mailing Supplementary Regulations and making available Entry Forms to all Registered Competitors in sufficient time for entries to be made prior to the published selection of entry dates for each round.

⦁ Incorrect or incomplete entries (Including Driver to be Nominated Entries) are to be held in abeyance until they are correct and the date of receipt for acceptance of entry purposes shall be the date on which the Secretary of the Meeting receives the missing or corrected information or fee.

⦁ Any withdrawal of Entry or Driver/Car changes made after acceptance of any entry must be notified in writing to the Secretary of the Meeting. If Driver/Vehicle changes are made after publication of Entry Lists with Final instructions the Competitor concerned must apply for approval as per Motorsport UK Regulation D25.1.12 NCR Ch. 3 App.11 apply

⦁ At the closing date entries of 40 or more competitors may be split into 2 races by class, at the discretion of the organisers, based on performance potential of cars entered for each class.  

⦁ The maximum entry fee for each round will be decided by the Championship Organisers

⦁ Reserves are to be nominated on the Final List of entries published with Final Instructions or Amendment Sheet Bulletins. All reserves will practice and will replace withdrawn or retired entries in Reserve number order irrespective of class. If reserves are given grid places prior to issue of the first grid sheets for any round, the time set in practice shall determine their grid positions. If reserves are given places after publication of the grid sheet and prior to cars being collected in the official “Assembly Areas” they will be placed at the rear of the grid and be started without any time delay. Otherwise, they will be held in the pit lane and be released to start the race after the last car to start the Green Flag Lap or the last car to take the start has passed the start line or pit lane exit, whichever is the later. Such approval to start must be obtained from the Clerk of the Course.

⦁ Entry fee refunds may be made by the Championship Organisers at their discretion.

⦁ Each race meeting organiser may accept up to 120% of entries specified on the track licence for each circuit and all accepted competitors may practice.

⦁ Reserves who practice in the correct session and set a time will take precedence, in reserve number order, over any accepted entry whose practice times are disallowed, or who does not set a time during the official practice for the Championship race. 

⦁ Briefings

⦁ The Championship Organisers will notify competitors of the times and locations for all briefings in the final instructions. Competitors must attend all briefings.

⦁ Qualification Practice

⦁ The minimum period of practice to be provided is to be as specified in NCR Ch.12 App.6 Art.3 the current Motorsport UK Yearbook in respect of circuit lengths. Should any Practice Session be disrupted, the Clerk of the Course will not be obliged to resume the session or re-run sessions to achieve the championship criteria and the decision of the Clerk of the Course will be final. For those meetings where one practice session and 2 or more races are scheduled, drivers sharing cars must remember to allow time for both drivers to practice in the one session or arrange with the Clerk of the Course to practice ‘out of session’ in which case Ch.12 App.6 Art.3.4 will apply. Normal Motorsport UK regulations will apply to competitors who practice ‘out of session’.

⦁ Each driver should complete a minimum of 3 laps practice in the car to be raced and in the correct session in order to qualify for selection and order of precedence as defined in NCR Ch.12 App.6 Art.3 as set out in the Motorsport UK Regulation Q12.4 The Clerk of the Course and/or Stewards of the Meeting will have the right to exclude any driver whose practice times or driving are considered to be unsatisfactory as defined by NCR Ch.12 App. .

⦁ The grid for Race 1 will be decided by the fastest times in qualifying. The grid for Race 2 and any subsequent races will be the finishing order of the preceding race. Non-finishers and competitors not classified in the race results will be placed on the back of the grid in order of distance covered. In the event of a tie the order will be at the discretion of the Clerk of Course.

⦁ Race

The standard minimum scheduled time will be 15 minutes, whenever practicable, but should any race time be reduced at the discretion of the Clerk of the Course or Stewards of the Meeting it shall still count as a full points scoring round provided that 8 minutes has elapsed. If the duration is less than 8 minutes, half points will be awarded.

⦁ Race Start

⦁ All races will commence with a Green Flag lap and a Rolling Start 

⦁ All cars will form up in grid order on the start line at the start of the Green Flag Lap(s) in the formation as specified on the Track Licence for the Circuit.

⦁ Towards the end of the Rolling Lap the grid will be slowed to an appropriate speed by the course car. The course car will then drive into the pit lane and maintenance of the grid’s speed on the approach to the start line will become the responsibility of the driver in pole position. All cars will start racing when the red start lights are turned off.

⦁ Any cars not able to take the Green flag or driven into the pits under the Green Flag shall be held in the pit lane. They may then start the race after the last car to take the start from the grid has passed the start line or pit lane exit, whichever is the later.

⦁ Any drivers unable start the Green Flag lap on the grid are required to indicate their situation by raising a hand in the air or in the case of a closed car by opening the door.   

⦁ Any driver temporarily losing grid position on the Green Flag Lap may regain their grid position IF NOT ALL CARS HAVE PASSED THEIR CAR. If all cars have passed, the driver may complete the Green Flag Lap but MUST remain at the rear of the last row of the grid but ahead of any cars to be started with a time delay. 

⦁ Weaving to warm-up tyres using more than 50% of the track width, or falling back in order to undertake practice starts, is prohibited.

⦁ Session Red Flagged  

⦁ NCR Ch.12 App.6 Art.9 will apply

⦁ During qualifying: Should the need arise to stop any qualifying session, red lights will be switched on at the Start Line and red flags will be displayed at the Start Line and at all Marshals Signalling Points around the Circuit. This is the signal for all drivers to cease circulating at racing speeds, to slow to a safe and reasonable pace and to return to the pitlane. Overtaking on slowing down lap is prohibited.

⦁ During the race: Should the need arise to stop a race, red lights will be switched on at the Startline and red flags will be displayed at the Startline and at all Marshals Signalling Posts around the circuit.

This is the signal for all drivers to cease circulating at racing speeds, slow to a safe and reasonable pace and to return to the starting grid which will automatically become a Parc Ferme area. No overtaking is permitted on the slowing down lap.

Cars should not enter the pitlane unless directed to do so or unless repairs are necessary. Work on cars already in the pitlane must cease when a race is stopped and may only continue under the control of Scrutineers. Cars which are in the pitlane or who enter the pitlane may ONLY re-start from the pitlane (not the grid) after all other cars have re-started. Non-runners at the time of the stoppage (which have been recovered) can re-start from the pitlane behind those referred to above.

⦁ Red flag at less than full race length

⦁ Case A - Less than two laps completed by Race Leader.  

The race will be null and void. The race will restart from the original grid positions. Competitors unable to take the re-start may be replaced by nominated reserves who will start from the pitlane in reserve number order and in front of any other pitlane starter. Gaps on the grid should not be closed up. The length of the restarted race will be determined by the Clerk of the Course. Any competitor not running at, or being the cause of, the deployment of a red flag will only re-start at the discretion of the Clerk of the Course, from the pit lane behind any nominated reserves in the order determined by the Clerk of the Course. Gaps on the grid should not be closed up.

⦁ Case B - More than two laps completed by Race Leader but less than 75% of Race Distance. The race will restart from the grid set out in the order of crossing the finish line at one lap less than at the time of first showing the Red Flag. by the finishing order of part one. as defined in (as per MOTORSPORT UK Regulation Q 12.15.2. The final result of the race will be the finishing order of part two. 

The length of the restarted race will be determined by the Clerk of the Course.

⦁ Case C. If the leader has completed more than 75% of the race distance or duration 

The race will not usually be re-started (as per Q 12.15.4). If not re-started the results will be based on the order of crossing the finish line at one lap less than at the time of first showing the Red Flag. Only cars which are under their own power at the showing of the Red Flag will be classified.

⦁ Re-Scrutiny

All vehicles reported involved in contact incidents during races or practice must be re-presented to the Scrutineers before continuing in the races or practice

⦁ Pits, Paddock & Pitlane Safety

⦁ Pits & Paddock

Competitors must ensure that NCR the MOTORSPORT UK Circuit Management & Organising Club Safety Regulations are complied with at all times.

⦁ Pitlane

The outer lane or lanes are to be kept unobstructed to allow safe passage of cars at all times. The onus shall be on all drivers to take all due care and drive at minimum speeds in pit lanes.

⦁ Refuelling

Refuelling may only be carried out in accordance with the Motorsport UK Regulation Q13.1.1 the SRs or final instructions issued for each Circuit/Meeting. 

⦁ Speed Limit

Pitlane speed limit will be that notified in the Final Instructions for each meeting.

⦁ Race Finishes

After taking the Chequered Flag drivers are required to: Progressively and safely slow down, remain behind any competitors ahead of them, return to the Pit Lane Entrance/Paddock Entrance Parc Ferme as instructed by Marshals or Officials and to keep their helmets on and harnesses done up while on the Circuit or in the pit lane.

⦁ Results

NCR Ch.3 App.6 will apply. 

⦁ Timing Transponders

⦁ All competitors are required to fit a lap timing transponder to their cars for the purposes of accurate timing. Holders for these and detailed fitting instructions are issued with the transponders and it will be the responsibility of the competitor to fit these in the car in the position and manner specified. The transponder must be in place and functioning correctly for all Championship qualifying practice sessions and races. Failure to function may result in loss of grid or race position. 

⦁ Competitors may not place electronic timing equipment for trackside timing within ten metres of the official Start, Finish or any other official timing lines at any event or test session/day. Any such equipment placed within these zones will be removed.


⦁ Safety Car Operation

The Safety Car will be brought into operation and run in accordance with NCR Ch.12 App.8 Art.2 Section Q, Appendix 3 of the Motorsport UK General Regulations at the discretion of the Clerk of the Course

⦁ Code of Practice  

By registering for the Championship all competitors and their associates commit to The WSSCC Code of Practice ( See Appendix 2) and to positively promote and demonstrate the Motorsport UK’s Race with Respect Code (See Appendix 3).  

⦁ Where any reports of disrespectful conduct are judged to be well founded, the Championship organisers may issue warnings or require remedial actions and/or report the matter to the Championship Stewards who may impose appropriate penalties which can include loss of Championship points and/or race bans through to Championship Expulsion and referral to Motorsport UK.

⦁ It is imperative that we promote the safety and wellbeing of young people and adults at risk. In addition to this all participants must be aware of their behaviour and conduct at all times and abusive language and harmful behaviour will not be tolerated. Any such incidents must be reported to the Championship Coordinator and/or Safeguarding Officer who will also relay the report to Motorsport UK.  

⦁ Technical Regulations

⦁ Introduction

It should be clearly understood that if the following text regulations do not clearly specify that you can do it you should work on the principle that you cannot. If in any doubt regarding championship or class eligibility confidential advice can be sought from the championship organisers.  

⦁ Safety Requirements

⦁ All vehicles must comply with Vehicle and Vehicle Safety Equipment NCR Ch7 Section Q: Specific Regulations for Circuit Racing and Section K: Competitor Safety of the 2024 Motorsport UK Regulations - Some of the more important most relevant regulations are highlighted in 4.1.1 to 4.1.10 below.

⦁ Roll Over Protection Systems (ROPS) as defined by NCR Ch. 7 App 3 must be fitted. complying with Motorsport UK Regulation K1 & Q13..

⦁ Seat Belts - 5 point as a minimum standard as detailed in Motorsport UK Regulation K 2.1 as defined in NCR Ch.7 App.7 Art.5 -10.12 must be fitted. 

⦁ A Frontal Head Restraint (FHR) device as defined in NCR Ch9 Art10 must be used as detailed in Motorsport UK Regulations K 10.4

⦁ A plumbed in fire extinguisher as defined in NCR Ch.7 App.6 must be fitted  

⦁ An External Circuit Breaker as defined in NCR Ch. 7 App.5 Art. 5 must be fitted 

⦁ A Red Warning Light as defined in NCR Ch. 7 App.5 Art.6 must be fitted 

⦁ WSSCC Class Structure 

⦁ The Welsh Sports & Saloon Car Championship (WSSCC) is for competitors participating in cars in the following categories defined in NCR Ch.1 App.1: Series Production Cars, Specialist Production Cars, Production Kit Cars and Sports Racing Cars.

⦁ Cars are divided into classes based on type and power to weight ratio. Tyres are free in all classes.

⦁ Power is to be declared by the competitor and must be measured at the driving wheels, corrected to standard temperature, humidity and barometric pressure. A certificate of measured power, signed by the operator of the dynamometer facility used, is to be provided on registration for the championship. Weight is determined by weighing the whole car including all consumables and post-session fluids, without the driver. It should be noted that when vehicle weights are checked it will be under post session, parc fermé conditions. To allow the Championship Organisers to allocate each car into the correct class, competitors must declare their cars’ bhp/tonne at the time of registration for the championship.

⦁ Should any car subsequently be modified, in any way that might affect the competitor’s original bhp/tonne declaration, it is the competitor’s responsibility to inform the Championship Organisers of this prior to starting any race.

⦁ Class 1 Series Production Cars and Specialist Production Cars up to and including 110 bhp/tonne. 

⦁ Class 2 Series Production Cars and Specialist Production Cars up to and including 175 bhp/tonne.

⦁ Class 3 Series Production Cars and Specialist Production Cars up to and including 225 bhp/tonne.

⦁ Class 4 Series Production Cars, Specialist Production Cars, Production Kit Cars and Sports Racing Cars up to and including 275 bhp/tonne. 

⦁ Class 5 Series Production Cars, Specialist Production Cars, Production Kit Cars and Sports Racing Cars over 275 bhp/tonne.

⦁ Class 6 (ATCC Challenge) Series Production Cars and Specialist Production Cars up to and including 240bhp/tonne.

⦁ Any car that the organisers consider to be unsuitable for placement in any of the above classes, or cars belonging to competitors not fully registered for the championship, but which in the organisers’ opinion fits within the spirit of the championship will be allowed to race in an Invitation Class. Competitors racing in the Invitation Class will be ignored for the purposes of race and class positions, points scoring and awards.

⦁ The Championship Organisers reserve the right to refuse an entry to any vehicle.

⦁ To ensure fair competition the Championship Organisers reserve the right to classify any car into whichever Class they believe fair. The Championship Organiser’s decision will be final.

⦁ Vehicle Specification

⦁ All competitors must provide the Championship Organisers with a fully completed Vehicle Registration Form before the event in which they intend to compete if they want to qualify for points and awards. Full details of the car’s technical specification including power and weight, as detailed in (4.2.2), must be included on this Vehicle Registration form. In respect of cars from a ‘One make’ series, the driver should have and forward a copy of the appropriate Motorsport UK Technical Regulations for the Championship to which the car was eligible to the Championship Organisers. 

⦁ It is the competitor’s responsibility to ensure cars comply with the class regulations.

⦁ Provision for sealing the engine and gearbox must be made if requested by the Eligibility Scrutineer.

⦁ In the event of a dispute concerning a decision by the Eligibility Scrutineer, the entrant may appeal the decision to the Championship Stewards.

⦁ General Technical Requirements.

NCR Ch.12 App13 will apply.

⦁ Chassis - for cars in Classes 1, 2, 3 and 6

⦁ The floor pan, sill, door surrounds, roof and bulkhead must be of the same construction, material and size used in original manufacture. 

⦁ The chassis and floor pan can be reinforced and suspension mounts turreted.  

⦁ Inner wings and bulkheads can be modified to allow clearance for the Induction system. 

⦁ The wheelbase must remain to the original dimension within a tolerance of + or – 50 mm.

⦁ Suspension- Permitted Modifications - Dampers are free, however the suspension type must be as used in original manufacture, original mountings must be retained even if not used.

⦁ Towing Eyes as defined in NCR Ch 12 App 13 Art.1.4 must be fitted Motorsport UK Regulation Section Q13.1.3

⦁ The use of tyre heating/heat retention devices, tyre treatments and compounds is prohibited.

⦁ Interior - for cars in Classes 1, 2, 3 and 6

⦁ Carpets, insulation, linings and passenger seats can be removed.


Interior - for all cars

⦁ Controls may be altered but the driver must sit completely on one side or the other of the of the centre line. 

⦁ Exterior and Bodywork- for cars in Classes 1, 2, 3 and 6

⦁ Headlamps need not be retained. 

⦁ The standard door panels, boot, bonnet and wings may be replaced with ones of a lighter material. Glass lenses can be replaced with plastic, as can side and rear windows. 

⦁ The silhouette as seen in the side elevation must remain unaltered above the road wheel hub centres of the original production car at normal ride height.

Exterior and Bodywork - for all cars

⦁ Stoplights must work.

⦁ Front spoilers air dams/splitters are permitted below the level of the road wheel centres and not extending more than 100 mm beyond the overall periphery of the existing bodywork excluding bumpers. 

⦁ Rear spoilers and wings are permitted within the overall plan periphery of the original vehicle excluding bumpers. 

⦁ the height of any rear wing may not exceed the height of the ROPS of an open car or the roof line of a closed car.

⦁ The fitting of a diffuser is allowed.

⦁ Minimum ground clearance - No part of the car may touch the ground if any one tyre is deflated.

⦁ Brakes are unrestricted, other than as defined in NCR Ch.12 App.13 Art. 5 other than as specified in Motorsport UK Regulation J 5.6.1 and J.5.6.2 

⦁ Wheels/Steering are free, other than as defined in NCR Ch.12 App.13 specified in Motorsport UK Regulation J 5.7.1 to J 5.7.5 and J 5.8.1 to J5.8.3

⦁ The use of tyre heating / heat retention devices is prohibited.

⦁ Championship Numbers and Decals for all cars

⦁ Numbers and Championship Decals must comply with NCR Ch.12 App.13 Motorsport UK Regulation J 4.1 

⦁ Numbers must be clearly displayed on either side of the car and on the bonnet in a position acceptable to the Timekeepers.

⦁ The Class identification number allocated to the car must be displayed in a position defined by the Championship Organisers   

⦁ Championship and Class Sponsors decals, when required, must be displayed in un-obscured positions on both sides of the car in positions defined by the Championship Organisers. Failure to comply with this may result in the loss of championship points or prizes

⦁ Engine, engine management and transmission systems - for cars in Classes 1,2,3 and 6

⦁ The engine must be in the same configuration as fitted to the original car; cylinder heads may be modified and the location of the engine block must remain within + or - 50mm of the location on the original car.

⦁ Permitted Modificatons The gearbox and differential must remain within + or - 50mm of the original location. Transaxles are not allowed unless fitted as original equipment. 

⦁ Engine – for cars in Classes 4 and 5 

⦁ Engines are free

⦁ Engine management, Cooling, Fuel System, Transmissions and Exhaust – for all cars

⦁ Engine management systems are free 

⦁ The gearbox and differential are free

⦁ All cars, apart from Motorcycle Engined Cars, must be fitted with an operational reverse gear.

⦁ Oil/Water Cooling - Oil coolers and radiators must remain within the original periphery of the bodywork.

⦁ Fuel Tank and Fuel Systems – Must comply with NCR Ch.12 App.13 with Motorsport UK Regulation J 5.13.1 to J 5.13.8

⦁ Exhaust Silencing must comply with NCR Ch.12 App.13 Motorsport UK Regulation J 5.17

⦁ Infringements of Technical Regulations.

NCR Ch.2 applies


⦁ Appendix 1: Race Organising Clubs and Contacts

Castle Coombe Racing Club, Richard Beard, [email protected] 

Classic and Modern Motorsport Club Southern [email protected]

07885 595039

BARC Wales [email protected] 07968 598194

BARC (North Western) CNC Heads   

Duncan Aukland Tel : [email protected] 07902 739685

⦁ WRDA Eligibility Scrutineer, Neil White. ⦁ [email protected] 07973  241235

WRDA (Chairman) Roger Dowden, Cartremair, Pont Morlais, Llannon, Llanelli SA14 8JQ [email protected]

WRDA (Competition Secretary) Robert Allender, 50 Trallwn Road, Llansamlet, Swansea SA7 9XA Tel: 07722261988 [email protected] 

WRDA (Championship Co-ordinator) Mark Reed c/o WRDA 50 Trallwn Road, Llansamlet, Swansea SA7 9XA  

Membership, Driver Registration & Car Registration Forms can be found on and submitted by email to: [email protected] 

⦁ Appendix 2: WSSCC Codes of Practice 

All competitors are deemed to have agreed to the following: 

I understand that:

⦁ The championship will be administered by the committee of the WRDA or any sub-committee ie. the Championship Steering Committee, it shall authorise for the purpose. They will advise & assist the Championship Co-ordinator who will liaise with them. 

⦁ Ideally such Committee should include at least 2 independent representatives of the championship, who should either be nominated by their peers at the Annual Championship Conference to sit on the Championship Steering Committee, or can be co-opted as is normal practice,

⦁ To ensure fair competition the organisers reserve the right to re-classify certain individual car and driver combinations.

⦁ That neither I, nor any member of my team or anyone who purports to have any connection with me or any member of my team, will make any adverse comments to the press or media or via social media. I understand that if any such comments are printed or broadcast, I may be called to give account of said comments.

⦁ This also applies to misbehaviour or unfair practice.

⦁ Drivers must try to avoid contact with other cars, and must give each other ‘racing room’, at all times. When weaving to ‘warm up’ tyres on the Green Flag lap, drivers must be aware of the other drivers on the grid ensuring that they do not obstruct or come into contact with them. 

⦁ The Championship Organisers reserve the right of censure in respect of all items in the code of practice.

⦁ In extreme cases, following the appropriate hearing, the Championship organisers may refund my registration fee and request that I take no further part in the championship. This does not prejudice the normal rights of appeal as defined in NCR Ch.2 App.10 

⦁ That telephone calls to officials should be made after 9.00 a.m. and before 9.30 p.m.

⦁ Appendix 3: Race with Respect


A socially-minded standard of behaviour is expected from everyone within the motorsport community.

By participating in a Motorsport UK event in any capacity you agree to follow the values of the Respect Code: 


The Values:


Fair play 


Good Manners


I pledge to #RaceWithRespect and:

Contribute to a welcoming and friendly environment that ensures the safety and welfare of all participants.

Always behave with integrity and uphold fairness in the sport; play my part in keeping the sport safe through your actions

Treat everyone with respect, regardless of their gender, ethnic or social background, language, religious or other beliefs, disability, sexual identity or other status

Recognise that we all represent the sport and therefore have a duty to be polite and respectful to all staff, officials, fellow competitors, volunteers, as well as fans and supporters

Respect the rules, regulations and authority of the officials and Motorsport UK

Any breach of these obligations may result in disciplinary action.


Please feel free to contact us with any questions